Fields of Specialization:
- Majoring Field: Livestock Product Technology
- Specializing field: Value added milk and meat products
Current Projects:
Completed Projects:
Recent Research Publications:
- Swati Gupta, B.D. Sharma, S.K. Mendiratta (2021) Effect of barley flour on the quality of restructured spent hen meat blocks. IndianJournal of Animal Research55 (10): 1255-59.
- Gamit, M., Swati Gupta and Savalia C.V. (2020) Quality characteristics of chicken meat cutlets incorporation with finger millet (Eleucine coracana) flour.Journal of Animal Research 10 (1):111-116.
- Swati Gupta and B.D. Sharma (2018) Quality characteristics of functional restructured spent hen meat slices developed by using different binders and extenders. Food Science and Technology Research 24(2):241-247. DOI: 10.3136/fstr.24.241
- Patel, R.K.,C.V. Savalia, R. Kumar, I.H. Kalyani, Gupta S. and A.P. Suthar (2018) Isolation, Identification and molecular characterization of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from Shrimp samples from South Gujarat of Navsari district. Journal of Animal Research 8(1):131-136.
- Patel, R.K.,C.V. Savalia, R. Kumar, A.P. Suthar, S.A. Patel, N.G. Patel, I.H. Kalyani and Gupta S. (2018) Determination of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from retail Shrimp of South Gujarat of Navsari district and their drug resistance pattern. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 7(2): 2704-2710
- Swati Gupta and B.D. Sharma (2017) Effect of aerobic packaging on storage quality of functional restructured spent hen meat slices at refrigeration temperature. Nutrition and Food Science 47(3): 423-431.
- Swati Gupta and B.D. Sharma (2016) Storage quality and shelf life of functional restructured spent hen meat blocks in vacuum packaging at refrigeration storage (4±1 ºC). Agric. Res. 5(4): 391-397.
- Swati Gupta, B.D. Sharma, S.K. Mendiratta and A. Irshad (2015) Effect of processing conditions on the quality of restructured spent hen meat blocks. IndianJournal of Poultry Science50 (1): 72-76. Citation 1
- Swati Gupta, B.D. Sharma and S.K. Mendiratta (2015) Evaluation of quality characteristics of restructured spent hen meat blocks incorporated with oat meal. Nutrition and Food Science45 (5): 774-781.
Honours & Awards:
- Senior Research Fellowship from ICAR, 2007-08.
- Indian Veterinary Research Institute Fellowship for PhD, 2008
- Best Poster Presentation Award in National Seminar on “Revisiting Management Policies and Practices for indigenous Livestock and Poultry Breeds as Eco-friendly Economic Producers” during 9th -11th October, 2014, at NAU, Navsari.
- Best Oral PresentationAward in International Conference on “Emerging Technologies in Food and Nutrition for Health Management” during 14th -15th May 2015, NDRI,SRS, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
- Best Oral Presentation Award in National Conference on “Contemporary Food Processing and Preservation Technologies” during 12th-13th April 2018, Shoolini University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh.
- Outstanding Participant in Winter School (21 Days) on “Advances in value addition and quality evaluation of meat and poultry products” held at IVRI, Izatnagar, U.P. during 20th Sep-10th Oct, 2016.